This Passover vacation we took small trips close to home, and at long last visited some favorite sites that I hadn't been to in at least 15 years, and thus had yet to share with my little ones. Introducing one of my all time favorites, the burial cave of Elkana, the father of Shmuel HaNavi (Samuel the Prophet)! It is almost hard to wrap one's head around the fact that this site, on the road between Tsfat and Meron, in the Northern Gallilee area called Kadita, is thousands of years old! (!0th Century BCE) As with all historic burial caves, a small building has been erected over the cave, to designate the site and provide shelter for visitors who may choose to stay awhile and pour out their hearts.
Unfortunately someone decided to go crazy with the blue paint and ended up actually defacing the site, which was a bit sad, but easily fixed, and I'm even thinking of sending a few guys to go there with some white paint and return this holy site to its pristine white glory, though the domed roof will of course be blue, just the lighter more traditional shade normally used.
On the hilltop in the distance is the Holy City Of Tsfat, what an amazing view!
And of course, no visit to the foothills of Mt Meron would be complete without a few calves and some grapevines, this is after all wine country!
Note: This gravesite is also the gravesite of Amorah Rebbe Bena. And not to make things confusing, but recent research has indicated that the actual burial cave of Elkanah and Rebbe Bena may not be this one, but rather another cave nearby. Which means we now need to revisit this site and find the other possible location, more adventures are always welcome!