Today there was a student show at the ceramic studio where my son and I spend time together creating with clay each week, and I just had to share with you some of the fantastic work we saw. For starters I just love the ceramic tzedaka (charity) boxes that kids made (that would also make fabulous ceramic banks as well) after the teacher gave them the assignment to make a tzedaka box in any shape they desired. I don't know if I would have thought of a vase of flowers tzedaka box, or an apple tzedaka box, or even a tea cup tzedaka box. There was even a fantastic clay spray bottle tzedaka box, which I didn't get a chance to photograph. The tzedaka box is a fixture in every traditional Jewish home, and in every synagogue, but they are usually boxes, possibly lovely boxes, but boxes just the same, so I am totally in awe of the creativity!
At the show we truly witnessed what a wonderful medium ceramics in general can be for expressing and developing creativity, and my two kids who do not (yet) go with Mommy to the ceramics studio were really quite jealous. So I guess I have a few more years of creating with clay to look forward to. Hmmmm, maybe I should make a set of dishes then, right?