Need an idea for a quick birthday cake that looks great and will even prompt some wows? Then maybe my golden giraffe topped birthday cake with dancing paper elephants and washi tape flags is perfect for you! This giraffe cake which was for the giraffe themed birthday party I made for my eleven year old is also perfect for people like me who really don't have the time or patience to figure out how to make a perfect tall cake, as those elephants hide all the imperfections! And of course, in my opinion, since the cake is going to get eaten anyway, don't stress, just cover the mistakes, and maybe slice the cake out of sight from the guests. I am now laughing having actually typed that, since behind those elephants is a globby chocolate coated mess that really did look quite terrible until I remembered the little trick of the decorative paper sleeve around the cake, phew! And of course, since I had to take that idea one step further with a sleeve that is actually a chain of elephants, that I happened to have on hand as I had made a bunch of giraffe and elephant chains to use as party decor.
Still with me? Okay, lets gather together those simple supplies and decorate a cake, ready?
You'll Need:
- one smallish yet tall round cake
- one golden giraffe cake topper
- toothpicks or skewers and washi tape
- card stock
- an elephant stencil, or silhouette to trace
How To:
- Ice cake as desired.
- Make chain of elephants (or any other animal or figure that is mostly vertical) that is roughly the height of the cake. (I lucked out that my already made elephant chain was just the right size!) Wrap elephant chain around the cake and secure first elephant to last elephant with clear tape.
- Make washi tape flags by folding a piece of tape around the skewer or toothpick, pressing together the two layers and then cut a notch in the end. Insert flags around perimeter of cake
- Add your giraffe cake topper, and voila, a fun giraffe birthday cake is born!