Wednesday night is the perfect time to bake delicious homemade challah, and with the special shabbat of Tu B'Shevat coming up this week, how about making your challahs just a little bit special? Well, of course all challah is special, but when you spend a few minutes to add a bit of extra something, well special takes on a whole new meaning! Let's do it, shall we?
If you are wondering if there is a way to make the decorations stand out more, well I am thinking the same thing, but don't have a solution for you. I was thinking though that if one brushed egg on only the decorations that might help, or vice versa. I really need to do a little test sometime, note to self! Making the dough from whole wheat may have helped a bit?
Make challahs as you ordinarily would, and I recommend my egg free challah, and then my round braided challah technique. Then, make some dough that does not have yeast in it to use as the decorations. (Ours is with whole wheat.) Roll out dough, cut out shapes with cookie cutter, make a few slts in shapes with a knife, brush challahs with egg and apply shapes. I added little balls so that these leaves will read as grape leaves, and some of those curly little things that help the vine attach somewhere, which is a nice touch. Enjoy!