Drawing with colored pencils can be so much fun, especially if one draws cute little objects, like this collection of plastic angry bird pencil toppers. My daughter did this entirely on her own, only showing it to me after the fact, and I just love what she did. I'm so pleased to see evidence that her drawing skills are moving forward on account of her weekly drawing and painting class! I think she did a great job giving these little guys volume, and the proportions are good too, skills her teacher is certainly working on with her. And the self motivation to practice on her own, well one really can't hope for more than that, big giant phew!
Ready to get your kids drawing, using a subject matter that they will be interested in (rather than a still life of fruit, for example), okay let's get started!
You'll Need:
- paper
- colored pencils
- a regular pencil and an eraser
- cute subject matter, preferably something roundish
How To:
The classic exercise of drawing still life fruit is to teach the idea of capturing volume through shading, and placement of detail. Now as you can see, my daughter didn't do any shading in this exercise, but the placement of the bird's features and the overall shape does give volume. With that in mind, really the most important thing about drawing is to just draw! And to teach kids to draw what they see. The more one draws, the better one will get, for most people it really is just as simple as that. Of course some instruction from a teacher is a good idea, but again, the most important thing is to just draw, should I say that again?
Happy drawing!