One of the things I love about doing crafts with kids is that once in a while a fresh idea comes to light via the innocence of a child. The idea of using only staples and paper to create something, in this case a card for Rosh HaShana, the Jewish New Year, is truly a fabulous one, and maybe even one that is born of necessity. And of course there is a great lesson to be learned: don't let lack of a range of supplies inhibit your creativity, it can in fact help your creativity flourish!
I am at long last cleaning out my office (which sadly became more like a disorganized storage space as opposed to a working space) which means coming across all kinds of unfinished projects and little bits and bobs like this one. The card is written to the teacher, and wasn't actually part of the craft that we did together, but rather an after thought made while cleaning up all the scraps of paper......creativity at its best!
Happy creative crafting! (Oh and just by the way, this could also just be a small exercise at the end of a crafting session in order to make good use of paper scraps!)