Lets face it, if you were thinking you'd like a tablecloth for Hanukkah or Chanukah, you will not find a whole lot out there, so you are just going to have to find a tiny window of time and make this simple DIY stamped dreidel tablecloth for Hanukkah. And the good news is, it isn't actually stamped as it looks, and as I've named it, the technique is actually sooooooo much easier, and something every DIYer needs to have in theri repetoire.
I chose to make my tablecloth really modern and somewhat Scandanavian looking, you can of course make yours in all the colors your little heart desires, and with dreidels that are any size that suits you! While you are at it, make some fabric to use for little gift bags, and even a table runner or pillows, now we're talking!
You'll Need:
- a white sheet or tablecloth
- spray fabric paint
- freezer paper
- my complete tutorial seen right here on Houzz.
How To:
Follow the tutorial, right here on Houzz, and just take quick peek, you'll get the idea quite quickly I'm sure, and get to work. I'd love to see your versions! Oh and by the way, please leave me a comment over on Houzz so that the folks there know my work is appreciated, which of course leads to more work! Thanks a million!