Aren't these royal icing doughnut cookies just the cutest? I don't have the time or inclination to devote to royal icing, but my fiveteen year old daughter does, so I'm enjoying watching her progress! These doughnut cookies were made to give as part of the mishloach manot for Purim, and looked especially cute presented in boxes with a window. We did think of making coffee cup cookies to go with the doughnuts, or take out coffee cups, but we ran out of time and I don't really thing Israelis would get it in any case. So just doughnuts it was and everyone oohed and awed!
If you are thinking about givine royal icing a try, this is the perfect beginner's royal icing cookies, as it is really very simple and looks amazing. Keep reading for some important tips......
- Doughnut shaped sugar cookies, you could even use store bought ones if you can find them
- Royal Icing in pink and brown, make sure to use pastuerized egg whites or pastuerize your own eggs, very simple
- Oblong sprinkles
How To:
First pipe a squigley line around the perimeter, and a circle around the center, and then fill with same color. Let icing dry for a least an hour or so before adding sprinkles, otherwise sprinkles will sink into icing and that does not result in the desired effect.
Have fun with this, and surprise your friends and family with adorable homemade cookies!