On our recent trip to the Ukraine we spent many hours traveling by car, and I was mesmerized by the patterns I saw in the bare trees. Field after field after field, lines and lines and lines of bare trees that beckoned to be sketched into a pattern, to march along the fabric I was designing in my head........I kept thinking about sketch books and the idea of recording such inspiration, and fortunately thought to just take some photos, blurry or not, from the window of the car. Knowing that I had captured this inspiration gave me great comfort, and hopefully I'll have some time to use these images for some creative exploration. In the mean time, maybe you'll find my images inspiring, or maybe just the idea of capturing inspiration from the car window will lead to some interesting photos on your next adventure?
Note: Most of these photos were sharpened in photoshop, a necessity when taking photos from a moving car! Enjoy, ah yes and there is a surprise image at the end of the post, so keep on reading......
Yes indeed this is the surprise and no it is not Dr. Suess, it is nature at its most interesting! Balls growing in trees is not something I have ever seen, but it did occur to me what this was, and having arrived home I checked it out on Wikipedia and I was right. Any guesses? Yes, you are right, this is mistletoe, which is actually a parasitic plant and grows in balls at the tops of bare trees! Truly spectacular I must say, and also very worthy of some sketches as well, right?