I have enjoyed Monet's Water Lilies at MOMA in NYC countless times, a HUGE tryptich, if memory serves me that occupies an entire wall, and most of a room. There is a bench allowing one to sit and enjoy. Lest I digress, I love the French Impressionist Monet, and appreciate his art even more now that I am on a little painting journey myself. This time around at the National Gallery in Washington DC I has the pleasure of seeing another of Monet's Water Lilies paintings, this one much smaller and less abstract, and all in all just beautiful. Come, lets take a moment for a little art break, shall we?
Claude Monet (1840-1926) was truly a master of the fine brush stroke, check it out!
And if you get close up you'll see just how all those gorgeous lilies were painted, amazing, right?
And if lilies aren't quite up your alley, how about sailing ships? This Monet painting, Ships Riding On The Seine At Rouen, 1872/73 is also full of gorgeous details, the reflections in the water being my favorites.