First of all, it is now the month of Adar, a month increased joy and happiness, and some sillyness to boot, so you don't need the excuse of a neighbor's henna party to make some fun Moroccan doves like these! Did you know that doves mate for life, and they also share the duties taking care of the young ones? I know this since I've had many doves nesting on my window sills over the years! So it is no accident that a pair of doves is often used as wedding symbolism. I happened to have large number of white doves that I used as centerpieces for a different kind of occassion, but thought I'd upcycle some of them to use as centerpieces at the henna party we threw for my neighbors daughter as a part of their engagement party. Maybe painting the doves gold would have been enough, but I just had to add some Moroccan touches, little Moroccan hats for the male doves, and a crown of sorts and jewelry for the female doves. Maybe a little too cute for a super elegant occassion, but this was Israeli budget style with disposable tablecloths and dishes, so cute works just fine!
- hollow wooden doves, mine were from an odd lot of some Better Homes and Gardens garden decor items and not really wood but composite of some kind, i know since some broke
- gold spray paint
- plastic rhinestone mesh or similar trim
- little Morrocan hats, ready made (or make some yourself)
- hot glue
A few couples together does look fun, right? And you can always use your doves multiple times, I've put birthday crowns on them and used a single one in the middle of a bowl of apples, you get the picture.
Helping neighbors celebrate happy occasions by contributing your creativity is a great way to spread the joy, so do it! Ah, and I just remembered I did not post anything this year for Shabbat Shira, the shabbat before Tu B'Shevat when we feed the birds, so this will go into that category as well.
So you see, decorations made for one occasion or holiday can easily be re-used for another, just make sure you have the space to store all your efforts or it can get a bit out of hand, hmmmm.