With this year's long winter and lots of rain, the Jacaranda trees are I believe blooming a bit later that usual, but this is okay, as the trees all over our town in Northern Israel were in full bloom for the Jewish holiday of Shavuos, which was just perfect! When I designed a large semi-public garden just down the street Jacaranda trees were on my list of must includes, and now that the trees have matured a bit, they look amazing peeking over the stone garden wall, especially when full of purple blooms. The trees were planted in a oblong patch of dirt that was left untouched when we poured the concrete for the patio floor, and thus we had to plant trees that were on the small side. Folks at first thought the trees were a bit too small, and it is true, they were, but now 6 years or so later they are looking great and will still get bigger. You do save quite a bit of money purchasing trees when you opt for younger and smaller, so do keep that in mind, as well as the fact that the little tree you've planted will some day be a big tree!
Blooming trees are such a joy, so if you have the space, do add some to your life! And if you are planning a Mediterranean garden, Jarcaranda is a must on your list! Keep on reading to learn more about the Jacaranda and see a few more lovely photos!
The blue jacaranda has been cultivated in almost every part of the world where there is no risk of frost. Established trees with the protection of hard wood can however tolerate brief spells of temperatures down to around −7 °C (19 °F) which is how it can grow here in Northern Israel. In the US, 48 km (30 mi) east of Los Angeles where winter temperatures can dip to −12 °C (10 °F) for short several-hour periods, the mature tree survives with little or no visible damage. Even when young trees are damaged by a hard frost and suffer die back, they will often rebound from the roots and grow in a shrub-like, multi-stemmed form.
In the USA the Jacaranda is grown very extensively in Califronai in southwestern Arizone, southeast Texas and Florida. In California they are grown most extensively in Southern California, but are commonly planted as far north as the SF Bay Area. (That is where i'm from, and funny I really don't remember any Jacaranda trees.......) and along the frost-free coastal regions of Northern Califrona.
In Europe it is grown on the entire Mediterranean coast of Spain, the Balearic Islands and Andalusia, (and usually with earlier flowering than in the rest of Europe), in the southern part of Portugal, southern Italy, southern Greece and on the Islands of Malta and Cyprus.
I love the blooms and the delicate leaves.
And if you are going for a Mediterranean garden, complete with colorful bougainvillea (peaking out in the background of this photo) the Jacaranda blooms are a nice way to add some more color to the garden, plus it is only once a year, so all that color will only occur yearly for a month or so.
As you can see, the Jacaranda tree knows how to look lovely all on its own no pruning was ever done on these trees, at least not yet! To the left in the photo is a row of Italian Cypress trees which were also once very little, and now are quite tall, time flies and trees grow, such is life! Speaking of time flying, don't forget to include some of the things you love in your everyday, and gardening,whether it be in actual soil or in containers is a great one!