With Fall just around the corner, you may not be thinking about your garden, unless of course you live in Australia or the Southern Hemispere, or Florida or Southern California, then again, if you love gardening anytime is a good time to plan the blooms you'd like to grow! So, dear readers, most of us know about cone flowers, or Echinacea, but sometimes a reminder is a great thing, so let me remind you, these flowers look amazing, especially a whole bunch of them, and they are drought resistant and just all around great. They do seem to attract a lot of bees though, so keep that in mind.
I took these photos on our recent trip to Sweden (lots and lots more about that to come) at one of the cottages we rented, and there was a nice bed of cone flowers encircling a tall flag pole in the middle of a huge lawn. The scale of the cone flowers (they are largish) was perfect and the splash of color was just lovely. So do give it some thought, and I will as well! Many years ago I did add some cone flower seeds to my container garden with little success, so maybe next time I need to start them in flats, I have a good feeling next year is the time, can't wait! And now, enjoy the rest of my photos, which are great inspiration for some floral paintings as well, note to self!
Did I say bees? I think actually in this case it is bumble bees.
As you can see the owners are not terribly concerned about weeds, also meaning that these flowers grew mostly unsupervised! And yes, not every house in Sweden is red and white, but there sure are a lot, and I just couldn't get enough of them! (Already trying to see when I can snag a cheap ticket for a return visit, from Israel the prices can get quite low, like $250 if you plan ahead.....)
Wow, it is the center of the flower that steals the show.
Such effortless beauty, wish I could do that.
More lovliness that you too can enjoy, look into it!