One of the joys of visiting new cities is simply looking and looking and looking. In Stockholm I spotted a number of charming window displays that I thought I'd share with you, as the art of making a statement in a storefront window is something that can truly transform a business, and yet so few establishments actually do it! For starters, look at this lovely window full of fresh oranges at Cafe Schweitzer, truly stunning, and while the Cafe is famous, I only became acquanted with it due to their visual statement, ah yes and the many bags of orange rinds blocking the sidewalk, complete the look and attract attention, brilliant! (We did stop for some fresh orange juice, so it worked!)
A series of Swedish history diaramas in a building just down the street from all those oranges, don't miss it! Sorry I don't know what the building is, but will add that if I find out!
The window of a sporting goods/fishing store in the round courtyard in Gamla Stam called Brantingtorget which is the courtyard of the Chancery house annex, truly eye catching and mysterious!
Very charming.
Wish I had time to go into this store, where the merchandise is the display, which also works in this case!