There is something just irresistable about glitter and I have to say it has been way too long since I've ventured into the glitter department, and now I can't wait to use up the rest of the bags waiting in that plastic bin labeled glitter! For my first glitter project of the season I choose to make glitter snowflakes using the plastic berry basket snowflakes that were patiently awaiting their fate for a good few weeks, and the results are truly wonderful. Yes, it is true, glitter does make a bit of mess, but I think it is a good thing as long as the glitter stays out of your food, so do avoid placing glitter covered crafts on near your table of food preparation area. Other than that, go to town, and maybe you'll decide to make some of these gorgeous snowflakes for starters?
You'll Need:
- plastic berry basket snowflakes, tutorial here
- glitter, I love the multicoloured one I used, but first use what you might have on hand
- white glue or modpodge
- a piece or two of parchment paper
- a paint brush
How To:
Using a paint brush, brush glue onto snowflake, set down on parchment paper, and then sprinkle with glitter. Shake off glitter and set snowflake on second piece of parchment paper to dry. If desired, cover second side after first side is dry, preferably the next day.
I only covered one side as I thought I was going to hang my snowflakes on a wall. Surprise they are now hung in an arch in my living room, but that second side got glitter on it in most cases, so the effect isn't perfect but still lovely and it isn't noticeable that the second side wasn't deliberately covered.
If one want to make a bigger mess of things you could dip the entire snowflake into glue, then into glitter and then hang it to dry. This might result in too much glitter on the surface, but if your glue is runny enough it might work just fine, no guarantees, so please don't hold me to this one! What I can guarantee is that from now on you'll be saving those berry baskets to make more!