This article is about how to choose comfortable shoes, and I just couldn't resist using some of Andy Warhol's shoe illustrations for the visuals, as they are fabulous! Andy Warhol is most famous for his pop art Campbell's soup can art and those cows, but before he became an artist he was actually a successful illustrator between 1953-57 in New York. He was able to make everyday objects very desirable through his illustrations, and from 1955-57 he was the sole illustrator for the shoe manufacturer I. Miller, for whom he made a new drawing each week for placement in the New York Times. The distinctive look of his illustrations is because he made lithographs of basic shoe outlines, and then filled them in with color, at his kitchen table, according to the needs for that week's ad.
Now, I am totally inspired to illustrate some whimsical shoes, but first lets talk about actual shoes and some tips for choosing the right shoes for you, meaning the right shoes for your precious feet! And I'm sure you'll agree that there is nothing quite as annoying as discovering that the shoes you are wearing are totally uncomfortable, so lets try to avoid that, for starters, and learn a few helpful hints for choosing quality shoes that won't leave you wishing you could run home to change them, sigh.
Above: Andy Warhol shoe illustration circa 1957 source:
How To Choose Comfortable Heels
Everyone knows the negative effects of wearing uncomfortable high-heels, and what they can do to your body, right? You may not know that there are exercises to prevent additional foot pain, so if you just have to wear high heels, do look into that. And yes, there is nothing that can compare to the look of wearing high heels, so I don't think women will ever stop wearing them, but we can make wise choices when it comes to which heels we choose to wear.
When shoe shopping for women's heals, which are the most difficult shoes to buy, understandably, there are few details you'll want to consider in order to purchase the right pair of shoes. "Right" meaning shoes that will not only look great but also provide the necessary support and comfort you desire.
- Check that the shoe of your choice has a stiff back. To check, grab the heel and the front of the shoe in separate hands. Make sure that the shoe doesn't move from side to side around the heel.
- After checking the heel, keep your hands in the same position and twist the shoe slightly. Make sure the shoe has some torque, and that you can twist it slightly with ease. This indication of torque will insure that the shoe will provide you with relatively comfortable mobility.
- High-heels should fit snugly and hold the foot firmly in place. Heels which are loose can lead to your foot sliding up and down which can lead to imbalance and possible ankle sprains, bleeding, blisters, or ripped toenails.
- Make sure the chosen shoes have enough space for your toes. Cramped toes and shoes that are too narrow will definitely cause pain. Consistent wearing of heels without sufficient space for your toes, will increase your chances of developing hammer toes, corns, bunions, and arthritis.
- Narrow, pointy high heels are the surest bet for foot pain. Ideally, a pointed shoe will narrow after the toe box to give the illusion of length while providing ample space for your foot.
- Round toes and almond toes provide substantially more room than the classic pointy toed shoe.
Above: Andy Warhol shoe illustration circa 1957
When Trying Shoes On
- Try to shop at the end of the day when feet will be more swollen, so you will get an idea of how the shoe will fit you at all times of the day or night
- First check that the shoe has some bend in the front of the shoe where your toes would bend.
- Make sure when trying shoes on, that the space at the toe is wide enough and long enough for your toes.
- Do not purchase shoes that make your toes curl or push your toes to the front of the shoe.
- Make sure the shoe is not rubbing on the heel, as that will likely lead to a blister, ouch.
- Arch support is also a very important factor to consider when shoe shopping. Make sure the arch is supported, and additional arch support can be added to a shoe using inserts.
- Make sure that the shoe feels comfortable right away. Walk around the store in the shoes, and go over the above points to make sure you find the perfect pair.
- Any discomfort you may feel will not likely improve, so don't make a purchase that you'll regret later
After Purchasing Heels
Practice walking at home before wearing your heels out. You can always return them if you have not worn them outside. Try wearing the shoes for a few hours at home to put them through a final test. And to play it safe, I'd recommend always bringing an alternate pair of lower heels to change into after the photographs are taken at that special occasion, unless you don't mind going barefoot!Above: Andy Warhol shoe illustration journal pages (?) circa 1956-8
By choosing the right shoes, you can make sure to avoid injury and continue your daily activities comfortably. Keep these tips and tricks in mind the next time you are shoe shopping so that you can look and feel great, and step out of your home with confidence knowing you're wearing shoes that won't ruin your day or special occasion!