Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! This past Friday and Saturday (shabbat) we celebrated the holiday of Shavuot back to back with Shabbat, so two days of family time, spiritual time (getting up at the crack of dawn on Shavuot for the customary prayer service, to receive the Torah) and some rest, phew we did it! My house is always filled with greenery due to a large collection of houseplants, but I gathered some of the plants around the dining room table to give an even greater feeling of greenery, and that together with my watercolor paper poppies created a really lovely and festive setting. Additionally a young neighbor who just got engaged asked me to take care of one of the houseplants she was gifted for her engagement, so of course I obliged as who can turn down another house plant, especially a large pathos with hormone induced huge leaves straight from the nursery and looking great? She isn't getting married for another six months, at which time I'll have taken quite a few cuttings from this plant before returning it to her with care instructions! Pathos, by the way, is a great plant for not so green thumbs as it is known to be one of the plants that is extremely understanding when not cared for properly. And just by the way, you can grow pathos cuttings in water, forever, and unless you totally forget to fill up the water, well, all is great. Pathos can even be grown in fish tanks, and I have my eye on a wall mounted fish bowl that I'd love to fill with pathos. Okay, enough about houseplants, which I do recommend as they bring life and every purer air into your home, lets take a look at the features from last week's party:
An adorable crocheted pink panther from Anne Marie, and a super simple crocheted bunny, that is also cute as can be, from Anne Marie.
That is it for the features, what have you been up to?