This year with all the time spent at home as a family, I've had time for some simple upgrades to my container garden due in part to the help of a few teen aged boys! At long last I planted some seeds right before Passover, though the only ones that actually sprouted were the morning glory seeds. This is fortunate as my built in planter (that had to be emptied to deal with water leakage) was looking quite empty, despite returning two standard rose buses to their original spot. Morning glories are trailing vines that need something to grow on, so I collected some long sticks in the forest area near our home, and made several low rustic DIY trellises to encourage the morning glory vines to fill the space below the rose bushes, well initially anyway! Not sure how large the vines will get, so we'll just have to wait and see if additional trellises or vertical supports will be necessary. At the moment the stick trellises are a bit empty, but I suspect that in a few weeks they will be filled with leaves, and maybe even some flowers? In the mean time I'm enjoying their rustic design, and am dreaming of some ladders and other rustic stick structures for my container garden. Want to make some yourself, it is as simple as can be, so lets do it!
- a cutter of some kind, I used a garden trimmer tool
- a large bunch of long sticks that you've collected from a local nature spot or garden where trimming has been done
- something to bind the sticks together, I used wool yarn as that was all I could find, I'd recommend hemp string
How To:
- First determine the length of your horizontal bars and then figure out the length of the vertical bars.
- Make sure to leave lots of room to stick the vertical bars into the soil
- Bind the sticks together using your hemp string. If you like you can secure the joints with glue first, but this isn't likely necessary for light weight plants.
- Put those rustic trellises in place and enjoy!
After I installed the trellis I gently encouraged the morning glory vine to grow on it.
Can't wait to see this stick trellis full of vines, hopefully soon!