Container gardening is the next best thing to gardening in actual soil, and for busy folks it may just be the best of both worlds. I'll admit my containers could use a bit more love, but I'll wait until the weather cools down a bit. July in Northern Israel can be quite dry and hot, which means that not all the plants in my container garden are at their happiest, while some are quite happy, like this plant, above, which I just discovered is Salvia, which is draught resistant and therefore loves the summer weather, though of course I am watering it. I have grown this same plant, in another location and it became a huge bush, until one butcher of a gardener decided to over trim it and it never grew back, sigh. So now, I'm growing two newish plants in a large container, and just love it.....can't wait to see how it fills out. Okay, lets take a look at some of the other plants that are currently flowering, in my sub-tropical container garden!
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