After sharing the cross stitch apple styrofoam tray embroidery craft, I just couldn't resist dusting off this project to share with you, as it still looks great four years after I first shared it. The wonderful thing about these string stars is that they have a universal festive look so they would truly be great any time. If you don't have any styrofoam trays hanging around waiting to be upcycled, try this on cardboard, the results will also be great! Okay, here is that post:
I have been saving these little square styrofoam trays as I had a feeling that would be great for a fun recycled craft project! And the a few days ago the idea came to me, embroider them! For starters I gave my geometric string stars a try, and I just love the results, don't you? You can use these little works of art as is hung on the wall (or in the succah!) or make some shapes to hang form the bottom of the piece, dream catcher style! So gather soem styrofoam trays, or even a piece or cardboard or foam core, and lets get started.
You'll Need:
- styrofoam trays, though none that were used with meat or fish on them directly
- embroidery thread
- a large needle
How To:
On the back side of the tray, trace around a glass to make a centered circle. Divide the circle into 16 by drawing straight lines. Poke holes at the end of each of the lines that divide the circle. See my diagram here.
Then using embroidery thread and a large needle, make a string star by following the instructions that I used to make geometric string star ornaments! Only instead of using slits to catch the thread, you'll be using the holes. Follow the order as described together with the diagram. Go around the entire circle twice to produce the design seen here.
Hope that is enough information for you, you can do it!
The string star looks like this on the front.
And it looks like this on the back! Got it? Great now get crafting!