I started writing this post a good five weeks ago, and never quite found the right time to post it, and now I know why! Yesterday I took a trip to the local art supply store and realized that they carry Posca paint pens, maybe at twice the price as some USA sources, but at least they are available, which was a huge surprise. So yes, I did buy two, a gold paint pen and a bright pink paint pen, two colors that are great for adding tiny details. I flipped through my sketchbook to see which pages could benefit from some tiny pink details and lo and behold the looming black mountain that was looking rather scary and flat called out "pick me!" And so after a few sketched lines, and a little smuding with my finger to make those lines less crisp, this sketchbook painting got much better, at least to my eye! So I now share with you my first experimentation with a landscape in this A4 drawing sketchbook, and I can't say I love it, but I'm sharing it just the same as I'm hoping that my journey can be an inspiration to you! Ah yes, and keep on reading to see the fun results on the opposite page!
I have to say, I just love these two pages together, as this is a sketchbook, and these pages show that something is happening......an adventure perhaps, an exploration, a practice of sorts? Okay, it is true my work communicates something possibly quite different to others, so let me just tell you, the page on the right was quite simply painted using the left over paint on my brush while painting the landscape! I am always very careful to use as much paint as I can, rather than pouring it down the skin in he form of dirty paint water, or throwing it in the trash after peeling it off my palette. So when one paints an abstract painting or simply makes painted patterns that will be the first layer of another painting one is not just caring about the world, but also furthering you own creative journey by preparing the next step before you need it!
Here is a photo of the painting before the pink paint pen came to be, and I think you'll agree, that mountain is looking quite flat and way too serious! Phew.
I hope you've enjoyed this little peek in my sketchbook, stay tuned I've got lots more to share!