Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! Today is a rainy winter day, so I'm not sure what is going on with the almond trees that should be blooming just about now. I don't see any from my house, so stay tuned for that, and with the festive holiday of Purim in just one month, now is the time to get crafting. No costumes for me to make this year, and we won't be having a huge party either, waaah, but I will invest in our gifts of food for the neighbors, which is going to be something more crafty and creative than the last two years (I gave a gorgeous and delicious spread of Moroccan salads.....) and I've been saving oatmeal cans, so those will have to figure in there somewhere, maybe stacked to make a castle tower from two? Okay, but first maybe a little crocheting is in order as I need to make some baby doll clothes for a birthday......and speaking of crotcheting, wow, there were some great projects in last week's party, and so keep on reading to enjoy them in the features. Stay healthy and stay creative!