Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! We finally got a good dose of rain and winter weather, better late than never, and are now in the Jewish month of Shevat, which includes the wonderful holiday of Tu B'Shevat, the new year for the fruit baring trees! Just as soon as I finish this post I'm going to dive into some fun and hopefully quickish paintings of trees in bloom, which I'll use as decorations for the holiday. Of course any number of crafty things could happen between now and Jan. 27th, so stay tuned for that, as hearts crafts meet fruit crafts! Last week's party was full of amazing creativity, and the features are packed with inspiration, so enjoy!
Love this precious rolled felt heart pin from, you guessed it, pillar box blue.
Wow, a paper chandelier is a fantastic thing to make, anytime, from Priyam simple joys, and love this felt stuffed heart key chain from sum of their stories.
Love this free printable DIY shadowbox calendar from commonsparrows.
An amazing embroidered Rapunzel doll, complete with castel tower and embroidered backdrop, from handmade by Amalia.
Embroidered felt hearts on sticks are a great DIY decor, from pillar box blue.
In love with this blanket, and the "Orla Square" crocheted by Chris in de haak, wow!
Speaking of crocheted and wow, this floor pillow, or crocheted pouf from Anne Marie's haak blog is fabulous. One thing you may know by now.....haak means crochet in Dutch!And speaking of crochet, an adorable and simple to make crocheted mouse from frau tschi tschi.
Love this textured pebble stitch crocheted ear warmer from eye love knots, a quick whip up for winter!
A cute as can be loch ness monster from lalka crochetka, and a crocheted Harry Potter, fabulous, also from Lalka crochetka. And since I'm on a roll, crochetka means crochet in Polish!
A wonderful crocheted rainbow striped pencil cup from my world of crochet, and gasp, a crocheted diaper from craft attic resources!
A DIY tooth fairy pillow from hello sewing, anda wonderful hand pieced "zebra square" from my bijou life.
Okay, there were a few more projects that I wanted to add to the features, but I'll include them next week, until then looking forward to seeing what you've been up to!