Today is day 22 of the Omer, and I might be behind on this journal page! It is true, I embarked on a counting the omer art journal project last year, which is wonderful and so interesting, but sometimes you might just want a really really simple way to count the omer, even if you are doing something else more complicate to boot. Or not? A very simple painted pattern that you then fill in with numbers as the 49 days progress is a first for me, but I plan to do this every year, as it is just simple and gets the job done, in a creative way! And when you do it in your sketchbook, maybe you'll be inclined to fill up some of the other pages as well? I can't recommend a sketchbook practice enough, whether it be watercolor, collage, doodling, lettering, pick one, or all of them and do it, you'll thank me!
You'll Need:
- paper or a sketchbook, I paint in my drawing sketchbook, just with the minimum of water
- acrylic paint
- a black pen
How To:
Self explanatory, and wouldn't this be fun if the rows were different colors, or each person in the family did one a different color? The main idea is to paint shades or variations of one color, if you go with one color, so that there is a beautiful play of color! Enjoy.