Since we have just celebrated the Jewish holiday of Shavuot in which we receive the Torah anew, each year, now is a great time to talk about how the wisdom from the Oral Torah is just as relevant today as it was when it was first received. To understand the Oral Torah, one can refer to the writings of the Rambam (Maimonides), whose commentary on health and emotional well being is just as relevant today, if not more so, than when it was written.
Today while researchers work on cures for terrible diseases and viruses that afflict the human race, they have also begun searching for a fundamental truth regarding our daily existence, through experiments and medical studies. The most basic human needs are being pondered and studied, in order to understand how the human psyche works, and how basic needs fit into that equation. Why does one need sleep? Why does one need water? Why are we in need of physical activity? How does food affect our physical and emotional states?
Lets start by looking at the seemingly basic cycle of food-water-sleep-physical activity. This cycle, as well as each of the entities, affects your household’s heart and soul, your physical and mental balance, and your ability to bring you and your children to an optimum level of emotional happiness and physical health. When you realize that by carefully considering the basic needs of every human and how they work together, you can truly have a major impact on the lives of your family, in a way that you never considered to be possible!
It turns out that by looking to the wisdom of the Torah as well as modern day applications of that same wisdom, we can easily ensure our family is functioning at the highest level possible. Lets take a look at what the ancients sources and today's modern medicine have to say about the same issues, shall we?