Just before Rosh HaShana, my husband and I took a mini vacation and enjoyed two very peaceful nights on the Moshav of Meron, just a 20 minute drive from our home, and actually part of the view we enjoy everyday! I just shared photos of vines laden with grapes in Meron, here, and now, a peek at trees laden with pomegranates, equally if not more stunning! Fall in Northern Israel is one of my favorites times of year, and I don't think I'll ever tire of watching the pomegranates mature and ripen, so lovely! The interesting thing is that the week prior to our mini vacation I was painting pomgranates and making pomegranate collages, and when we arrived at our vacation rental which happened to be right next to a pomegranate orchard, my jaw literally dropped! I spent many hours at a picnic table under a huge oak tree just looking, ahhhhh, Enjoy!