These striped dreidels painted on cereal boxes are looking so cute I just had to do a better job of photographing them to convince you that this is the thing to delve into this year! Make little ones, make big ones, just make a ton, and transform your home into a festive place for celebrating our wonderful 8 night holiday! I can see these hung vertically with some little pom poms in between to make a wall hanging, so simple, just tape a piece of thread or yarn to the backs and hang from a stick, a skewer, a long paint brush, a hanger, get creative! Or paint both sides and make some cake toppers, stick them in a vase or make a mobile. Get those creative gears turning and make memories for loved one, you won't regret it! And friends, no special supplies needed, right? Keep on reading for the link the original tutorial, and supplies!
- cereal box cardboard, shirt insert cardboard, pantyhose cardboard etc.
- paint, I used just three colors, a red, a yellow and a blue
- a paint pen or several, mine are pink, peach. blue, but just white is great too
- my complete tutorial right here, with some tips about including color theory in this craft!
Happy crafting! Next up, some more fun shapes, stay tuned!