I would like to introduce you to some feathered friends, that keep me company practically all day long.....generation after generation! You see, about four years ago a myna bird pair decided to build a nest just above my office window, and ever since then, either they, or more likely, their children, have been expanding their family a few times a year. The first myna bird pair were very angry and made lots of noise that was really quite unpleasant. It took me a while to realize that they were myna birds, who as it turns out are not native to Israel, but rather descended from a cage of birds that escaped a zoo near Tel Aviv! Myna birds are very fierce and take nesting spots from other birds agressively, sigh, and multiply quickly. (To which I can attest!) The good news is, that after 3 or so years, the birds now sing and make nice sounds rather than the angry squawking of their ancestors!
I witness the parents bringing back large bugs to feed the babies, and I hear the babies and parents making noises of one kind or another. All of this, because I have a roller shade covering the window most of the time so that there won't be glare on my computer screen! I have photographed the birds from time to time, but this the first time that I captured the siblings, and their childish interaction with one another, too funny!
I do plan to use these silhouettes as reference for some kind of birds on a line art, or maybe just "birds in my window" art? Keep on reading to see some more shots, and if you ever happen upon interesting shadows behind your roller blinds, document it!