Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! Wishing everyone a chodesh tov, a good new month as today is the first day of the month of Elul, the last month on the Jewish calendar. Which means so many things, but here it means time to get crafting for Rosh HaShana and Succot! It also means that summer vacation is over, with school starting tomorrow for my kids. Of course it also means that more holidays are coming in just a month, so this is a month that is about working hard to end the year on the right foot. I'd say fill this month with creativity and start the year with lots of great crafty displays in your home and in your succah! Lets take a look at the features from last week's party for a bit of inspiration, enjoy!
Shrinky dink earrings from pillar box blue are so much fun, I'm am truly tempted to order some supplies to make holiday garlands or maybe something for the succah.
Loving this cozy cable-knit heart hat from kiku corner.
Frau tschi tschi who is the temperature crochet queen, shares all of her ongoing projects and their progress during July, so much fun!
A tunisian crochet wash cloth from eye love knots, and a great looking color block crocheted sweater from eye love knots.
A great looking stitch sampler crocheted blanket from frau tschi tschi and her summer crochet along.
A fun bandana headband to sew yourself, from hello sewing.
that is it for the features, what have you been up to?