The world of horticulture is truly fascinating, and I am always interested in the names of plants and their origin, because sometimes it is quite surprising, as is the case here! I would never have thought that this stunning blooming bush was actually a native of Texas and Mexico, but yes indeed! Wonderful species make their way around the world, which has been the case since the earliest ships left Europe for distant lands and returned with specimens! This past August during our second week of vacation we stayed in an amazing mountaintop community called Hararit, and then visited a neighboring community called Yodfat, and in both locations I saw this stunning bush in bloom, and now I have to have some myself. Just now as I was trying to identify the bush I learned that it is called Texas sage, Leucophyllum frutescens, though I'll have to find out what it is called in hebrew (just as soon as Rosh HaShana is over and we can return to gardening.) Keep on reading for a bit of info I've collected and to see close up photos of the gorgeous silver-ish leaves.