So it turns out friends, that folding origami butterflies is something that one can do for days.......well that is what happened here at CJM headquarters this week, and I did it all by myself, so it can be done, though get a few folks to do it with you! I made hundreds of origami butterflies, some with pipe cleaner antennae, in a few sizes, for our annual women's Purim party, and phew, the butterfly theme flew! Not so happy about the disaster in my house post party, just from all the crafting that went on, not the actual party, but at least I now have a bunch of Purim decorations for my own home, and most of them can be used again next year, nothing like being ready a year plus ahead! I will share with you most of the decorations once I hang them again in my house, but for starters, just a bunch of origami butterflies with mettalic pipe cleaner antennae look fabulous hung as a garland, and just clip them up with wooden clothes pins and the clothes pin looks like the body, fabulous! Okay, lets get crafting!
You'll Need:
- light weight paper, a rectangle, NOT a square: I used A4 colored printer paper that I trimmed down to be a rectangle made from 2 squares
- a link for the instructions, found in my previous post here
- metallic pipe cleaners
- tiny pom poms
- hot glue
How To:
Follow the folding instructions, and be patient, you'll get it! Then go out and make a bunch in all sizes, or just one size, you decide. Tiny ones are great cake or cupcake toppers or even fun glued to a gift tag. The more butterflies the better!