The stunning red crown Anemone, which is a native Israeli flower, is now in bloom and just as lovely as ever! I took these photos at the end of the day, so the flowers were mostly closed, but will head out again this week, as the combination of these lovely flowers and the blooming almond trees is just so very special! I am so blessed that just a few minutes from my front door I can find a bounty of blooming wild flowers, with each species blooming in its time. These anemone are the first, and are later followed by red poppies, which are a different flower though confused with anemones by many. Enjoy this first peak at the red crown anemone, with more to come!
The large dark center of the flower makes it so dramatic!
In Hebrew the anemone flower is called a kallanit, and while I never made the connection myself, this is (quite obviously) because the flowers are beautiful like a kalla, a bride! And funny enough while in English all the red flowers are referred to as poppies, in Hebrew all the red flowers are referred to as kallanit, which is correct at least until March. So friends, learn the names of the wild flowers that grow in your area, so that you can identify them!