Ever seen a cake topper that is a horse dressed up as a unicorn? Me neither but it just seemed perfect for a four year old!
Right now I'm in the process of using up all the flour in the house as we prepare for Passover, and the first step for me is to bake challahs and a few deserts, and freeze everything we'll need for the next 2 shabbats, or more or less anyway, we can always, gasp, buy any challah we need for the shabbat before Passover! Since cake is the topic in my kitchen right now, I thought I'd share wtih you these fun origami horse cake toppers that I used for a birthday cake this past shabbat, and together with sprinkles, and large white gumdrops, a fun cake was born! Ah yes, and around the bottom of the cake I took colorful cupcake liners, folded them in half and placed them like petals, which gave the bundt cake a lovely finished look, phew! So friends, as I always say, cute cake decorations can be easily made with paper and some glue, and this is one more example. You can of course use these horses as part of a dessert scene, or a merry-go-round or even place them around the bottom of the cake, get creative! Okay, shall we make some?
You'll Need:
- origami paper, mine is white on one side, color on the other, 20cm x 20cm
- colored paper scraps
- skewers or straws
- a black marker
- a tutorial for how to fold the origami horses here
How To:
Get the hang of making the horses, not the simplest origami, but not the most difficult either, by a long stretch! Then make a bunch, even in a bunch of sizes and decorate as you see fit. Give them saddles and hats, (which are two-sided) or make them wild horses in the dessert, in which case make a few cacti! Because of the structure of the folds, there is the perfect spot to hot glue your straw or skewer under the belly! After you take the horses off the cake they look really cute as decor in a small vase, to keep the party going that is!