It has been quite a while since I made gift bags from cereal boxes, but somehow after all the crafting I did this year for Tu B'Shevat and then Purim, it just seemed natural to go with the flow! So this year, rather than giving neighbors a nice selection of Morocan salads for our Mishloach Manot on Purim, I actually gave much less in the food department and more in the creativity department, including a large origami horse, which was the star of the show. I will share smaller versions of this horse shortly, but keeping him out of the public eye for the time being, because who knows, maybe just maybe that book of mine will happen and I'll need some projects that were never seen.......or maybe next year I'll be less into the crafts and will need something to share for Purim? Who knows the main thing is to fill life with creativity and bring joy to others! Okay, back to the idea of using a cereal box to make, in this case, two gift bags which are just great looking and all around wonderful in my book. Lets make some!
- a cereal box
- a yellow bingo dauber (a marker with a round end to make dots, there is an art supply like this, but a bingo dauber is widely available and works perfectly)
- gold ribbon
- metallic gold/silver patterned adhesive backed paper
- a hot glue gun
- white tissue paper
How To:
- Open cereal box on seam carefully
- If you like, cut box in half horizontally
- Make a pattern of polka dots of box with bingo dauber (consider making a repeating staggered pattern as I've done, it looks the most elegant, or let the kids do an all over random pattern, which ever appeals to you)
- Add the border of metallic paper to the top, and make it quite wide so that the strip also folds over to cover the top portion of the inside of the box (such that you don't immediately see the cereal box graphics
- Re-glue the box with a hot glue gun, both the side seam and the bottom
- Attach ribbon handles with hot glue (handles not mean to hold weight, so if you are putting something heavy in the box make the handles small so they can not be used)
- Cut pieces of white tissue paper to fit, and make a large scalloped edge on the tissue paper, you can do many layers at a time
Think about using tiny food boxes to make small versions of this, and of course you can make one bag from a cereal box, if you need something tall.Saving cereal boxes is truly one of the most practical things to save, simply collapse them and start your pile.....they don't take up that much space and are always handy to have on hand!