Wishing everyone an amazing Succot holiday! Is Israel we have transitioned from "yom tov" to "chol hamoed", though elsewhere in the world those who observe Jewish law are still unplugged for another entire day. Of course time spent in the succah with family and friends, with no phones in sight is truly precious! Succot is one of my favorite holidays, and hope to share some photos of this year's new and improved succah soon! I created some art at the last minute that makes me so very happy, phew! I hope your crafty adventures bring you joy as well, and lets take a look at some of the projects shared at last week's party....I must crochet that llama!
Love this giant crocheted granny squareish temperature blanket from frau tschi tschi
Most adorable crocheted llama ever, and simple too, from frau tschi tschi.
A knit kitchen set from Road Gypsies, who has now embarked on a new journey on the road, so exciting!
DIY rice filled handwarmers with removable covers from sum of their stories, great for gift giving!
Jean pocket embroidered treat bags, from of course, pillar box blue
Love this bottle cap tray with resin from sum of their stories, fabulous!
This homemade quick kimchee looks amazing from homemade on a weeknight
That is it for the features, what have you been up to?