Yes indeed my friends, here in Israel is it officially cyclamen season! And truthfully we especially love this stunning winter flowering plant because it is also a beloved native plant to Israel, and a part of childhood songs that teach about the seasons. I have to admit it was quite a surprise the first time I saw them growing in the wild, though the native cyclamen are generally white and light pinkish, not bright magenta as far as I know. Check out my wild cyclamen in the Golan Heights post, to see the real deal!
While I am enjoying this cyclamen that my kids bought for me, indoors at the moment, as soon as the flowering period is over, the plant will live in the shade somewhere outdoors, and I'll try to coax it into blooming again next year. If you decide to purchase a cyclamen, go for the larger plants that are grown from bulbs, as those will last, as opposed to the smaller plants grown sometimes from seeds, which are more problematic, I've found. In any case, purchasing a cyclamen or several to add some cheerful color in the winter is a great idea, regardless of what you decide to do with the plants afterwards, and much more budget friendly than cut flowers! Keep on reading for some valuable tips.......
Tips For Cyclamen Care And Purchase:
- When purchasing a plant, do go for one that has tiny buds, as the flowers only last about 2 weeks, and unless you need the plant for an occassion, better to buy one that has just started flowering rather than in full flowering mode
- Do remove spent flowers together with their stem.
- Keep the plant moist, and if the flowers start to wilt from the stems, not to worry, water immediately.
- Cyclamen is a winter flower and prefers cold air, so make sure to keep it someplace that isn't overly heated.
- If all the leaves fall off at the end of the summer, not to worry, just keep watering moderately and the plant will come to life come colder weather, with new leaves, assuming there is a bulb!