Beets are so very good for you, and especially when oven roasted so that all the nutrients stay in the beet! Here in the Mediterranean beets are actually a staple in our diet, used primarily in cold salads. And growing your own beet greens is so very wonderful and so very very simple! Recently some beets we'd purchased began to sprout on their own, so after cutting off the tops I simply placed them in water, knowing that they'd grow new leaves. What I had forgotten is just how gorgeous those beet leaves are, wow! Truthfully one could grow them to use as part of a spring centerpiece, and then eat the leaves afterwards! Once upon a time I did explore what is called "kitchen scraps gardening" and grew beet leaves in this way, though I also tried sprouting carrot tops as well. This is a fun activity for all ages, and truly couldn't be more simple, so get to it!
So friends, buy some beets, roast them in the oven and make beet hummus or roasted beet Moroccan salad, and save the tops for growing some gorgeous greens. Fun for everyone, truly!