One of the truly enjoyable things about art and specifically creating in a sketchbook, is the opportunity to try out all kinds of art supplies. Believe me, I am the happy owner of quite a few kinds of hi-end pencils, markers, pastels, crayons, inks, etc. which are all really wonderful, especially the water soluble ones that you can then "paint" with. I also happen to own quite a few tubes of inexpensive watercolor and gouache from Walmart......which I'm forcing myself to use before purchasing the Japanese brand that I'm eyeing, or maybe just treat myself? Okay, enough art supply babble, what I want to tell you is that the paint called acryla-gouache that so many illustrators love using is truly wonderful, and I've been using it in my sketchbook to create landscape paintings.
Regular gouache is a favorite of illustrators because of its opaque quality and flat finish. Acryla-gouache is similar but just a bit less flat than gouache. The only problem is that the top brand of this product are not cheap for even tiny tubes, so maybe just get a yellow, a blue, and a red, and mix your own to try out the product. I used a brand called Turner, which like Holbein, is also a Japanese brand, but less expensive, and very happy with the results, though of course I do want to try Holbein or Liquatex, but first gotta use up what I have, the story of my art supply life! Okay, lets take a look at some of the other landscapes I've painted using acryla-gouache!