A few weeks ago I photographed some of the flowers in bloom in my Northern Israel container garden, which is filled mostly with drought resistant perennials, and other trees and bushes that can withstand both hot summers and coldish winters that sometimes approach freezing. Right now some of the plants, like my huge rose standards are suffering from the heat, and even the bougainvillia is taking its time to re-bloom, but the non-flowering plants like Yucca and a large collection of foxtail ferns and asparagus ferns are just fine, and so it goes! It is hot for me too, so I can imagine the plants feel it as well! Okay, lets take a look at some of my flowering plants, pots that I've had for years and years actually, so highly recommended!
Salvia is a wonderful plant, that in my area does loose its little leaves in the winter, but comes back in the spring. It has a woody trunk and benefits from pruning, and makes a wonderful statement in any pot.
Lochroma is a wonderful woody bush/tree with unusual trumpet shaped purple blooms. It looses its leaves in the winter here, needs pruning to maintain density, and comes back nicely in the spring. As I recall there is a huge lochroma tree in the San Franciso zoo!Above: Thunbergia
I love flowering vines, and this thunbergia vine isn't thriving but does well enough to keep taking care of it outside my kitchen window. If temps drop I will take it indoors and it is borderline hardy, but the wonderful purple flowers make the extra care worth it!
Above: Bougainvillea
Bougainvillea is a show stopper and non-stop bloomer that every garden in the right zone should have! It does really way in the SF Bay area as well as in the Mediterranean region. While there is also white and coral colored bougainvillea, this is the only color that is hardy in my area.Above: Pillar geranium
The under rated geranium can be a great addition to any container garden, and this pillar geranium is especially wonderful as its height makes it special and its large leaves are wonderful. Take cuttings and simply insert them into moist soil to grow more plants!
That is it for my little tour, by tomorrow one of my red canna plants should be in bloom, so will share that shortly!