Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks so much for joining me here! With the month of June already under our belts now is the time to get serious about those summer crafting projects! You know, the ones to take along and the ones to work on at home! Crochet anyone? Flower pressing? Mosaic? Sketchbook practice? Watercolor? Art Journaling? Weaving? Painting? Macrame? Just for starters friends, pick one and get started! In the mean time enjoy the features from last week's party!
Love this phases of the moon wall hanging craft from Jewish moms and crafters.
Recycled plastic pod becomes a cute strawberry vase, from sum of their stories.
Love this tp roll camel craft from Jewish moms and crafters, perfect anytime!
Wonderful DIY upholstery fabric tote bag from sum of their stories.
That is it for the features, what have you been up to?