Welcome to Craft Schooling Sunday, thanks for joining me here! Fall is coming which means so is the Jewish holiday season, so time to get crafting before the rush begins! Because of the crafting classes I started for boys, I actually already made a nice number of succah decorations, though I have some very crafty dreams for this year's succah, something completely different but quite a bit of work, so I need to get started! The thing is now is summer vacation and I just want to do the things I'd usually do this time of year when on vacation in the USA. So if my stay cation means not making those Succah decorations but instead painting, so be it! Okay, let's take a look at the features from last week's party!
Cute as can be crocheted WIR doll, from frau tschi tschi, not familiar with this children's book character myself, but he sure is cute!
Fun and simple origami fish from Jewish Moms and Crafters
Simple origami apples and pomegranites make a great Rosh HaShana craft, from Jewish Moms and Crafters.
Lovin this orange pekoe quilt square from flamingo toes.
A fun DIY tissue box from a plastic container, from steph creates things.
Yummy looking apple crostata from treat-n-trick and a list of great kitchen tips also from treat-n-trick.
That is it for the features, what have you been up to?