With a newborn baby boy joining our family just three weeks ago, I spent a good week taking a nice vacation near the young couple and their new baby, and quite simple spent hours and hours crocheting as well as looking for new patterns. Now that i'm back home I took a look in my own archives and realized I actually have some patterns that I ought to share once again, until I get around to sharing the new items I've crocheted, that is!
Crocheted booties are the perfect little gift to show your love when a new baby graces your family, circle of friends, or community. (This would be a great charity pattern as well!) And once you've got the pattern down, you can surely crochet these in the car on the way to visit the newborn, or in my case, on the way to the brit! Well not these exact booties, but I have been know to crochet an entire sweater in the car, mind you I had a few hours. Crocheted booties are a fun little gift, a great way to add a homemade touch to a large gift, and something one can make to use up little odds and ends of yarn as they take very little! After I took these photos I did add a crocheted tie, which I threaded through the ankle, very useful so the booties will stay on baby's foot, and not get lost. Happy crocheting and mazel tov!