Our family Chanukah celebration on the first night of Chanukah always includes gelt pouches of some kind, either sewn or crocheted by yours truly! This year I had a bunch of yarn left over after crocheting a bunch of items for a new baby in the family, so I decided to crochet gelt pouches and succeeded in using up every last bit of yarn, because I crocheted 8 like the ones shown here, two chunkier ones using a different pattern that I'll share soon, and three chunky bear pouches (will also share soon) Whew, it was quite the undertaking I wlll admit, and still have to finish two of the bear pouches to set aside for next year (?) but really enjoyed crocheting once again. There is nothing like a handmade gift, and my pouches always contain chocolate money, small dreidels and some fun prizes like super balls, tiny flashlights and this year, tiny writing pads. With four more nights of Chanukah still left, you can certainly whip up a few of these pouches, so lets get to it!
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