When you discover a great pattern that you modify a bit to make it yours, and the results are fabulous, you will surely want to make another! And that is what happened with this crocheted no-seam baby cardigan with bobbles when another baby was born in the family.......I just had to whip up another! And truly, if I had more of this cotton blend yarn on hand, I'd make more, as with no seams to worry about, this project is truly a pleasure and the results are jaw dropping! And even for a fairly inexperienced crocheter, I'd say this project is worth giving a try, and if not now when? So add this one to your list of great baby gifts, and if you need something for 19 inch dolls, the same pattern worked up with small guage yarn might just work, or at least for a teddy bear, hmm, gotta try it! Keep on reading for links to my previous sweater and the pattern!