Yippee, I am crocheted a round rag rug from sheets for the floor of our guest room, that I'm decorating for our new grandson, can't help myself! My own kids had cute rooms, but there weren't so many adorable things available back then, and so now I get another chance. And of course in my book a crocheted rag rug is a must, so I have gotten to work, and with two major blisters and tired hands, I can say that I've made a rug that isn't its final size, but big enough to put on the floor as a surprise! I've used up all the grey/aqua sheets in our house, so will have to ask friends or find my collection of sheet yarn down in the basement somewhere? This project is just too wonderful, and ahhhh, your linen closet can breath afterwards, and those sheets you couldn't bear to toss but are showing wear now have a new life! Lets get to it!
- a METAL crochet hook, 10mm/N is my preferance
- how to make yarn from sheets tutorial here
- check out a previous rug here
- a huge supply of fitted sheets, flat sheets, comforter covers and pillow cases
- The rug I am crocheting is now 90cm in diameter (larger than shown here) and that was made using: 3 fitted twin sheets, 3 standard pillowcases, 1 twin comforter cover
How To:
First I recommend learning how to crochet using chunky yarn, and try crocheting a small flat round rug for a doll, to get the hang of how to crochet a flat disc. Then, you just do the same thing, only much larger, and make sure to keep the tension very low so the work isn't too tight. Crocheting with sheets is hard on the hands because the sheet yarn does not have give, and you may find yourself struggling to pull it through loops, but that is all part of the process, it is worth it!
While you do need to be concerned about cupping or a very wavy result, the waves can be solved by wetting the entire rug and blocking it, I needed to do this twice! If your work starts to cup, tear out the work until there is no cupping, since this cannot be fixed with blocking.
Check out all my projects using sheet yarn here, and at the very least make some crocheted rustic baskets, they are wonderful! Ah yes and you can also knit with sheet yarn, just you need very large needles, and the results are fabulous as well.
Happy crocheting, and I know someone on your life would appreciate a rug like this, so get to it!