It has been quite some time since I've made yarn from sheets, but the need for a homemade crocheted rug for a bedroom I'm redecorating has arisen, and so let the sheet yarn making begin! I will admit, after all the cutting I developed a blister on the top of my pinky, so do think about wearing gloves or being aware of your hands. Ah yes, and then I developed a blister on my ring finger from the crocheting, the hazards of crafting! Okay, back to the idea of making yarn from sheets, one of my very favorite all time upcycling activities! While I have crocheted a number of things like bags and baskets from sheet yarn, my favorite is rugs, as you can toss them into the machine and they are truly original, depending on which old sheets you end up re-purposing! Of course to crochet a nice sized rug you will need a pile of sheets, so let the friends, family and neighbors know you'll be happy to receive their old sheets and they'll thank you for helping them clean out the linen closet! Okay, let do it!
- good sharp large scissors for cutting fabric
- flat sheets, bottom sheets, pillow cases and comforter covers
- tutorial for flat sheets and bottom sheets here
- tutorial technique to use for comforter covers and pillow cases here
How To:
For pillow cases and comforter covers, remove the closed end so that you essentially have a tube of fabric. If you have a sewing machine, making flat sheets into tubes is a great idea as the resulting yarn is much more successful without corners and such.
For cases where you have corners or backtracking, cut off the corner of fabric so that section has less bulk.
Try to be consistent with width of strips!