I am reposting this one since it is just too cute, and something that all levels of painting/drawing can truly do! Plus of course it is perfect for the upcoming Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat, so get to it!
Here is what I wrote a few years ago: Sometimes it is the DIY projects with just the simplest materials, and of course recyclables to boot, that are truly the most special! And these fun stackable doodle pear boxes are truly the proof in the pudding, right? It all started out because I'm doing an instagram challenge called #colormegrow at my @sara.rivka.dahan account, and this week we were working on a project using just red, black and white. The challenge will last for at least 3 months, and I'm planning to do boxes every week, so that at the end I'll have a nice tower! Each week, depending on which color or colors the challenge dictates, I'll be painting stripes on little recycled food boxes (like tea boxes and one sleeve cookie boxes, toothpaste boxes, etc.) and then turning that into something. Last week I made landscapes from my blue boxes, and this week, well, the challenge subject was pears and today is Tu B'Shevat, so a fun pattern with doodle pears was an obvious choice! Of course, if you like my pears, you can use this idea on canvas or paper, it would be fun art in any form. Okay, lets do it, shall we?
You'll Need:
- recycled food boxes, opened at the seam
- red paint, white paint
- white gel pen/paint pen, black paint pen/sharpie
- hot glue or double stick tape to re-close box
How To:
- Explore the qualities of the different kinds of red paint you may own, by using the pure color as well as varying amounts of white added, and paint gradated stripes on your boxes as seen above. Set aside to dry.
- Using a white gel pen, draw your pears and leaves onto the box, and then paint around the shapes to create a solid color background. Set aside to dry.
- Go back and enhance your drawings by layering lines of black and white, and then adding lots of tiny dots for shading, on both the fruit and the background.
- Re-glue the boxes, stack and enjoy!
So much fun, and worth the extra effort to add the tiny details!
This is a Celestial Seasonings tea box.......a perfect size.
Hope you've enjoyed this artful DIY, not go make a bunch!