Introducing CRAFTING A FUTURE, a new charitable organization established by the creator of to bring creativity to the lives of poverty stricken children and their mothers.
Dear Friends, it is with great excitement that I introduce to you my latest charitable project, something that has just taken form over the past few weeks, but that has such amazing potential to positively influence lives of poverty stricken children and their mothers through creativity. Children who themselves have never been taught creativity, and mothers whom with just some basic knowledge could also make creativity a part of their homes, bringing joy to lives lived in the shadow of poverty and lack of basic necessities.
While I am starting with children living in Northern Israel, I would like to add many more classes, eventually around the country, and also empower women around the world to volunteer just an hour or two a week to do the same. I will also be giving classes (and have already started) to nursery school and elementary school teachers to present the kind of creative thinking that is a part of education in many countries, but unfortunately not developed in public school here in Israel.
And now my friends, in order to do all of the above, and more, I need your help. Those of you who join me here do so as we share a common love, a love for creativity, and I'm quite sure that you would feel wonderful helping me share that love, wouldn't you?
If only you could see the little faces, glowing with joy after completing a few hours in my classes. After learning that one can create just about anything with recycled materials. After learning that creativity is truly about making something that doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be created with our very own hands.
The cost for each child, is $50 per month, and I currently have 35 children participating in weekly art classes. There are many many more who would love the opportunity as well. Won't you please sponsor a child for a few months, or longer? I in turn promise to give it my all, and to insure that your donation goes 100% to making a difference in the lives of precious children whose families barely have enough money to put food on the table, let alone the luxury of art lessons.
Please share your love for creativity with those less fortunate — crafting a future can truly change lives and open doors of opportunity.