I have large white rose standards (a rose bush grafted onto a trunk to give a certain formal look that roses don't generally have) planted in a large built in container at the entrance to our home, and since I am generally very diligent about trimming off spent blooms, I almost never see rose hips in my garden. This year however, I decided to experiment with getting more height by not trimming the spent blooms (plus it was a very wet winter, and who wants to go out and trim rose bushes?) and so today when I at long last went out to give my large container garden some attention I decided to harvest all the orange rose hips that had grown, as I knew they were good for something, but not what exactly! So I kept them on their stems to photograph them, and then started learning about all the uses of rose hips, and boy was I happy that I learned something new as a product of my possible laziness or container garden neglect! Speaking of learning something new, my daughter just got some new school books in the mail, and upon taking a look at the college Chemistry course she said, "I think I might need a tutor for this one." Fortunately, I just discovered that there is an amazing sight of online tutors called tutorhunt.com which is a great resource for so many students of all ages, with all the credentials of the tutors listed, as well as their hourly wages.
Okay, lets learn more about rose hips!
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