Baking is now my teenage daughter's department, and she is doing a great job at it, sometimes too great in fact as I'm trying to avoid sugar. These monogram engagement cookies could be posted as a craft fail, but rather than be that harsh lets just say we (she, rather) learned a big lesson with this one: don't try out something new when under pressure! Our neighbor's daughter got engaged and my daughter wanted to help make some deserts for the desert bar, fair enough. However, her schedule was packed and she had to make the deserts ahead of time as she would be away on a school trip the day of the party. She planned to make royal icing cookies with an edible printable monogram made with edible printable icing, and enlisted me to do the graphics. So far so good......despite being rushed with shopping for her trip, she printed the icing sheet at a store in town. Then she pastuerized the eggs for the royal icing, and at this point it was already at least midnight, sigh. (On top of that we had some guests that were supposed to come on July 16/17 and showed up on July 14, so we quickly had to clean the apartment where they would be staying, while they sat and waited, not a great situation, especially with cookies waiting to be made!)
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